Setting an Example
When I was young, I practiced walking around with a briefcase. Seriously. Obviously, it was indicative of my interest in becoming a...

I'm Breaking Up With Martha Stewart!
I’ve been a fan of Martha Stewart for some time. Okay, years. I recall the television special calling attention to her first catering...

25 Things to Know About Me!
1. I love cakes and doughnuts! And any kind of fruit. 2. My first concert was Rick Springfield. 3. I am usually reading three books at a...

The Road Not Taken
The following Robert Frost poem is one of my favorites. It has always spoken to me but became especially poignant to me after I married....

A Gentle Reminder...
Whatever you call yourself...adoptive, foster, blended, step or bio parent....you created a family. And the title makes your family no...

Me and Vincent Van Gogh
In his lifetime, Vincent Van Gogh sold only one painting. But since that time, his fame has reached epic proportions. Today, he is widely...

Stepfamily Profile: John and Melissa
More than 25 years ago John and Joann split. It was not amicable. The day the divorce was finalized, Joann left the courthouse, promptly...

How do I respond to a stranger who mistakes me for my stepson's biological mother?
It can be awkward but it doesn't need to be. I think it's important to be gracious to the stranger perhaps by responding, "I'm blessed to...

I have no children of my own and will soon become a stepmom. What are the first steps I should take?
Congratulations! While the role you are about to take on is difficult, it can be extremely rewarding. Obviously, the better you get to...

Happy Graduation? Says Who?
Yes, it’s that time of year. The graduations, weddings, sports banquets, senior nights, spring pageants, awards ceremonies…all of those...