We survived!
Ladies, we are now post Mother's Day and Stepmother's Day! If you're active on social media, specifically Facebook and Twitter, you know...
All you need is love?
A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to my stepdad on the phone. It was a lengthy conversation. We discussed lots of things, some of them...
5 Stepmom Triggers and How to Deal with Them
No matter where you are in your stepmom journey, you likely still have encounters that cause you annoyance, anger or resentment. Don’t...
Faith journeys
Everyone is on their own faith journey. God is working on each of us in His own way, in His own time. So we shouldn't be surprised when...
Meet the Rabatins!
It was the best man toast profound enough to make People Magazine. “The day has come that this man is getting married. I’m not too sure...
5 Reasons the Ex-Wife Hates You
As a new wife and stepmom, you may be wondering what you’ve done to merit the contempt of your partner’s ex. You’ve played by the rules,...
My Mom was a Stepmom Too
Updated from April 2015. My mother and I often talk about stepparenting. Yes, she's also a stepmom. And by her own admission, not a very...
Keeping love alive!
We all know that the marriage/partnership is the foundation of the home. It's what keeps things chugging along in our families and...
I Didn’t Give Birth. Does that mean I didn’t get the “mom gene”?
Growing up, it seemed as though my mom had eyes in the back of her head. You know what I mean…She instinctively knew the minute a...
Way to go Sesame Street!
Sesame Street, the long-running PBS children's program, has added a new character. Meet Rudy, the stepbrother of Abby. Sesame Street's...