Stepfamily Terms Cheat Sheet!
If you are following any stepfamily sites on the web including Facebook or Twitter, you may be surprised by all of the abbreviations that abound. KWIM? Abbreviating is easy speak when you need to say it all–especially in 140 character or less. The list below may make reading, tweeting and/or blogging somewhat easier. Your very own cheat sheet! HTH!
SM stepmom, stepmother
SMOM stepmom
SD stepdad
SF stepfather
BF boyfriend, birth father, biological father
BD birth dad, biological dad
BM birth mom, biological mom
SD stepdaughter
SS stepson
SK stepkid
SKIDS stepkids
SO significant other
SC stepcouple
DH dear husband
DW dear wife
DD dear daughter
DS dear son
DSD dear stepdaughter
DSS dear stepson
EX the ex wife or girlfriend
FH future husband
FIL father in law
MIL mother in law
BIL brother in law
SIL sister in law
CS child support
CP custodial parent
NCP non custodial parent
PAS parental alienation syndrome
SAHM stay at home mom
IMHO in my humble/honest opinion
KWIM know what I mean?
HTH hope that helps
LOL laugh out loud
PIOG posted in other groups