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Setting an Example

When I was young, I practiced walking around with a briefcase. Seriously. Obviously, it was indicative of my interest in becoming a professional. All bets were on a profession that involved that briefcase and that's exactly how it turned out.

But through all the years of determining my future career, or imagining my life, I NEVER imagined being a stepmom.

Frankly, if you're a stepmom, it is usually indicative of an unfortunate situation...a death or divorce. Not a dream that anyone aspires to!

Look at the divorce statistics that we are facing today--

a.) A divorce occurs every 13 seconds.

b.) Divorce occurs in 41% of first marriages, 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages.

(Source: blog).

As unfortunate as it is to discuss, the percentages suggest that some of our children will be forming stepfamilies of their own one day. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us as stepparents to set the example for our children in the event that possibility comes to fruition.

I was blessed with a stepfather who took great joy in having stepchidlren. He never made me feel less than his very own. Not only did he provide financially for us, without animosity or resentment, but he attended our school plays and cheerleading events, made our friends feel welcome and loved my mother unabashedly.

Each and every act of my stepfather's kindness provided me an opportunity to learn--without my even knowing--how to embrace my own stepchildren.

Let's give our stepchildren those same gifts.


Meet Suddenly Stepmom 
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