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Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day will arrive on February 14th. It is the traditional day to reach out to those we love. Maybe we buy a card, or roses. Perhaps there is even a special date night at a favorite restaurant. But maybe we should look at this “Hallmark” holiday with fresh eyes. Valentine’s Day could be a time that we examine our marital relationship, keeping in mind that the marital relationship is the foundation of the home. When our children see loving relationships between the adults in their home, they feel more secure. They know that their parents are committed to nurturing one another, and thus nurturing them. Children of divorce especially need to see a strong marital relationship in their new family. Often, these children have feelings of insecurity, hopelessness and fear that their new family may not survive, just as their biological family did not survive. If we want to encourage our children to have healthy and mature relationships in their futures, it is up to us to show them how to do so. Remember, children learn what they see. There is an old saying….”When you know better, you do better.” Maybe your previous marriage was not successful. But now you have the chance to do better. Make your marriage a priority. Do something special for Valentine’s Day. Show your children how precious marriage can be.


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